Alexander Orr
News Coordinator

Alex is a senior Computer Science major from Danbury, Connecticut. He’s fond of creative excuses; he’ll share some when he’s done feeding his dog his homework.
Previous positions
- News Editor April 2024 to December 2024
- News Coordinator December 2023 to April 2024
- Business Manager April 2023 to December 2023
- Editor in Chief May 2022 to April 2023
- Associate News Editor December 2021 to May 2022
- News Coordinator October 2021 to December 2021
Breaking the shackles of the prisoner’s dilemma
News Editor Alexander Orr ’25 contemplates the benefits of giving more than receiving.
Shuttle tracker tracks shuttles better than ever
Gabriel Jacoby-Cooper ’24 announced that the new Shuttle Tracker update is out. The new Shuttle Tracker makes locating the shuttles more accurate and more convenient. Adrian Alicea-Roman ’23G revived the Community Relations Committee by becoming its chairperson and Timothy Miles ’24 suggested some changes to the upcoming elections.
Viner holds first meeting of the semester
Grand Marshal Ben Viner ’24 proposed future Senate changes. Isabele Lieber ’25 and Michelle Li ’26 were appointed to Club and Organization Representative and Class of 2026 Representative, respectively, both of which are voting positions for the Executive Board.
Power of horror games
Business Manager Alexander Orr ’25 shares his love for horror games and why everyone should give them a try.
Senate approves Executive Board, Judicial Board appointments
Talulah Patch ’24 won the run-off for Class of 2024 President. Moreover, the Student Senate approved six Judicial Board appointments and 17 Executive Board appointments.
Viner holds first meeting as Grand Marshal
Grand Marshal Ben Viner ’24 runs his first Senate meeting as Grand Marshal. The Senate held basic introductions.
Faculty applauds updates at Spring Town Meeting
President Martin A. Schmidt ’81 gave an update on what future finances will look like, as well as a few institution changes that many faculty appreciated. Some changes include no charge on paid time off when the school is closed for holiday break and adding Juneteenth to the faculty holiday calendar.
Exchange Online replaces Webmail during Spring Break
Starting over Spring Break, students will receive emails through Exchange Online instead of webmail.
Union Constitution amended to include MFSC senator
The Student Senate amended the Union Constitution to have an Multicultural Fraternity and Sorority Council senator, another independent senator, and another graduate senator. Furthermore, Director of the Union Charlie Potts spoke about Rensselaer Union safety, and Giuseppe Molfino was appointed MFSC liaison.
Konwerski responds to RPI RA Union, union responds back
Vice President for Student Life Peter Konwerski sent out a new RA compensation plan in light of the RPI RA Union's letter. The union wrote a press release back.
RPI RA Union sends letter to President Martin A. Schmidt
A letter with approval from over 75% of RAs was given to an assistant of President Martin A. Schmidt ’81 for Schmidt to recognize an RA union.
The weakness of strongly encouraging
Editor in Chief Alexander Orr ’25 argues about the importance of proper communication and how an email from Martin A. Schmidt ’81 did it wrong.
Senate receives funding for new shuttle tracker technology
The Student Senate requested a funding reallocation for new shuttle tracker technology, the Outing Club requested an additional subsidy as well as a funding reallocations, and the Union ShowTechs requested permission to fundraise for equipment repairs. Moreover, Director of Student Activities Cameron McLean reported that rules on cooking in the Union are being rewritten.
Goals for the future: an interview with President Schmidt
The Polytechnic interviewed Martin Schmidt ’81 to discuss goals for the future.
Rounak granted approval to fundraise
RPI Rounak was given approval to fundraise for costumes and props.
Discussion of new assistant director of wellness position ensues
The Executive Board sought to create a new position called the assistant director of wellness. Administrators insisted on closing the meeting; however, which led to a standstill.
Enrollment Management grants Women's Leadership Scholarship to class of 2026
Women in the class of 2026 were offered a $20,000 grant in hopes of increasing women enrollment. The class of 2026 has the most women in a single class, although the class itself is made up of 30% women.
Campus partakes in Schmidt’s inauguration
While most students enjoyed a block party on the ’86 Field, others sat in the EMPAC Concert Hall as notable figures welcomed Schmidt to Rensselaer.
Flying Pigs Society becomes Union-recognized
The Flying Pig Society gained Union recognition. The club wants to hold workshops and bring in professional figures to speak.
Hockey Line returns, Young Democratic Socialists club fails to gain Union affiliation
Hockey Line returns for the first time in three years with a few changes, and a newly founded RPI Young Democratic Socialists of America club fails to gain Union affiliation.
Harkness field, ECAV main gym get heavy renovations
The Harkness field and East Campus Athletic Village main gym went through renovations that brought both fields up to current standards.
Eager to be EIC
People are commonly nervous when they’re left with big shoes to fill. New editor-in-chief Alexander Orr ’25 instead shares his excitement for the role and his plans going forward.
Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson retires, Dr. Martin A. Schmidt begins presidency
July 1 marks the end of Dr. Jackson’s position as president of RPI and the start of Dr. Martin A. Schmidt’s presidency.
Clubs eager to grow change at Earth Day Sustainability Event
In celebration of Earth Day, Sodexo tabled outside the Union alongside student-run sustainability clubs.
Grand Marshal recaps meeting with President Shirley Ann Jackson
During the Student Senate meeting on April 12, Grand Marshal Cait Bennett ’22 reported on meeting with President Shirley Ann Jackson about the upcoming presidential transition. Furthermore, the Student Senate motioned to reappoint Alexander Grant ’24 as Secretary.
Executive Board and Student Senate officers approved
The Student Senate approved the appointments of Executive Board and Student Senate Committee chairpersons. Among them is the first Graduate student Student Life Committee chairperson, Zachary Barringer.
You are the most important person there is
Being kind and empathetic are important skills. However, it is too often taught in modern society to value others before yourself. Associate News Editor Alexander Orr ’25 reminds readers to put yourself before anyone else.
Bennett, Gramenides face off in GM Week Debate
On Tuesday, the two candidates for Grand Marshal, Cait Bennett '22 and Nicole Gramenides '23, participated in a debate held by the Elections Commission. Positions for Undergraduate President and President of the Union were uncontested, so both candidates participated in a 30 minute Q&A session. Elections Commission Chairperson Nicholas Longchamp '24 and The Polytechnic News Editor William Hawkins '23 moderated the debate.
GM Week is back in person — Here’s what you should know
GM Week begins today with elections on Wednesday. The theme for GM Week is Sweet Week. Associate News Editor Alexander Orr ’25 gives a crash course on what to know and expect for GM Week.
UAR committee eases chairperson requirements
The Union Annual Report committee removed the requirement for the UAR chairperson to also serve as a Senate-Executive Board liaison. By doing so, the UAR committee hopes to remove scheduling conflicts for those interested in the position.
Elections Commission handbook updates increase nomination requirements
The Student Senate’s Elections Committee presented an updated elections handbook. Furthermore, motions to appoint Executive Board members-at-large were passed.
Student Senate makes three new appointments
The Student Senate approved appointments for parliamentarian, Hospitality Services Advisory Committee chairperson, and Panhellenic Council chairperson.
The sluggish pace of Student Senate meetings
An astute worker is cautious of diminishing returns at the workplace, putting more energy and time into something just to get less and less out. However, diminishing returns are unavoidable, and many can relate to that third hour of working on a project seeming less productive than the first two. The Senate is, likewise, powerless in the face of time and subject to ensuing exhaustion.
Abigail Golden appointed SGCC chair
Abigail Golden '24 was appointed as the Student Government Communications Committee chairperson for the Senate last Tuesday.
Senate reports on Trigger Level 1 update
The Undergraduate Council’s meeting with administrators revealed more information about the Trigger Level 1 threshold update, citing the Division of Student Life’s case projections and the availability of on-campus housing due to cases being primarily off-campus, as the primary reasons.
Trigger Level 1 threshold raised to 250 cases
Classes will return in-person this Monday. There have been 96 cases of COVID-19 in the RPI community as of Friday, according to RPI’s testing dashboard, surpassing the initial Trigger Level 1 Spring 2022 requirement of more than 70 cases among those with campus access. Since then, RPI has increased the threshold to reach Trigger Level 1 to 250 cases.
Konwerski suggests parents should donate more during Student Life Performance Plan presentation
“I know…parents are supporting a significant investment, but some parents have the ability to give more. And so we’re asking them, can you give a little bit more?” Vice President for Student Life Peter Konwerski said during his presentation on the Student Life Performance plan to the Student Senate in a November meeting. The presentation also included other Student Life plans for the upcoming year.
Compost Committee grows new ideas
The Compost Committee gave a presentation that included a goal to install a new compost machine on campus.
Cooking up solutions for late-night dining
The Student Senate held a presentation to improve late-night dining. A motion was passed to make immediate changes, including collecting student feedback, creating a list of meals for dining staff to make, and investigating changes into U-Cook and Father's Marketplace.
Riaz Rao appointed Union Annual Report chairperson, Executive Board liaison
Riaz Rao was appointed to serve as Union Annual Report chairperson and Executive Board liaison, adding on to his current role as Senate parliamentarian.
HSAC, MAL, Representative appointments approved
Appointments for the Hospitality and Services Committee, member-at-large, and representative positions were approved within the Student Senate and Executive Board on Tuesday.
Senate approves Judicial Board appointments, seeks new treasurer
The Student Senate approved new Judicial Board appointments on October 19. The J-Board oversees “a huge variety” of cases, ranging from reckless driving to suspending fraternities. The members appointed at this meeting will eventually make the decisions for future cases.
Marketing and Strategy Committee resurrected
The 52nd Student Senate approved changes to the Executive Board’s bylaws on October 5 in order to bring back the Marketing and Strategy Committee, which had been dissolved in 2019.
Undergraduate Council amends bylaws
The Student Senate approved changes to the Undergraduate Council’s bylaws.
Freshman Elections Handbook changes approved
The Student Senate approved changes to the Class of 2025 Freshman Elections Handbook, adding new nomination eligibility clauses and reverting to in-person campaigning and election procedures.