William Hawkins

William is a Computer Science major from Tenafly, New Jersey.
Previous positions
- News Editor October 2021 to October 2022
- Associate News Editor April 2021 to October 2021
- News Coordinator March 2021 to April 2021
GM Week election results: live updates
Cait Bennett was reelected for Grand Marshal, Colleen Corrigan was elected President of the Union, and Ria Massoni was elected Undergraduate President. Check back here for GM Week Election updates as results roll in.
Students' GPAs leaked in mass email
The personal information of 570 students was inadvertently leaked on Tuesday, March 22, when a spreadsheet containing the information was mistakenly attached to a mass email for the Lee Foundation Scholarship. The spreadsheet contained students in the School of Engineering with GPAs above 2.80 who have Sophomore or Junior credit standing.
Polls close in GM Week elections
Voting for GM week elections closed at 5 pm today. An estimated 1,820 ballots were cast in the election across four polling locations.
Ballots finalized for Wednesday Election
The Elections Commission has finalized which candidates will appear on the ballot for tomorrow's election. Voting in GM Week elections is open tomorrow from 8 am to 5 pm. All students, including those graduating in May, are eligible to vote.
Why I recused myself from GM Week endorsements
“Providing detailed, unbiased reporting of campus life remains my top priority…I didn’t join the paper to tell people who to vote for. I joined to provide people with the information they need to make those decisions for themselves,” explains News Editor William Hawkins ’23 on why he recused himself from The Poly’s endorsement process.
Bennett recuses herself from Grand Marshal duties
In an email to the Senate email list Friday night, Grand Marshal Cait Bennett ’22 announced that she is recusing herself as GM until voting in GM Week elections closes.
Bennett and Massoni-Nesman sanctioned by Election Commission over campaign violations
Grand Marshal Cait Bennett ’22 and Undergraduate President candidate Ria Massoni-Nesman ’24 sanctioned by the Elections Commission. Bennett and Massoni-Nesman are now required to get an additional 25 signatures to be on the ballot.
Snow day moves classes online
Due to inclement weather, all classes today will be held online. The COVID-19 testing center will be open today from 10 am - 1 pm. All ‘non-essential’ employees have an additional two hours to arrive at work. All essential employees still need to arrive at their scheduled start times.
The pandemic is over; we should move on
News editor William Hawkins '23 argues that pandemic restrictions are no longer justified and makes the case that we should not have to miss out on our lives for the sake of avoiding COVID-19.
Multi-factor authentication expansion gets mixed welcome
Rensselaer’s Multi-Factor Authentication has recently expanded to require students to use the service to log into LMS and SIS. Additionally, The Polytechnic provides a how-to guide to use the DUO MFA tool.
Navigating return-to-campus testing
After pushing back campus move-in by a week, most residential students began moving in today. Here’s what you should expect.
Executive Board revokes Union membership of policy-violating student
The Union Executive Board revoked the Union membership of a student for violating the Rensselaer Union’s COVID-19 policies. The student, who is currently on their away semester, had been attending various in-person student government meetings and events in violation of the Union’s policy restricting entrance to Union facilities to Rensselaer Community members with campus access.
New multi-factor authentication rules to take effect November 1
New multi-factor authentication rules are set to go into effect for all Rensselaer employees beginning November 1. Anyone who has payroll and W2 information in the Self-Service Information System will be counted as an employee. This includes students employed by the Institute. The new protocols will apply to all Institute websites that use the Rensselaer Self Service login.
Mike Slass elected Class of 2025 president
Confusion surrounds Red Army podcast funding
On Thursday, the Union Executive Board passed RPI Red Army’s proposal for a new podcast, but motioned to postpone a budget reallocation that would cover the cost of a new microphone for the program.
RPI TV proposal for student wages denied
RPI TV's proposal suggesting that certain RPI TV members be paid $15 an hour to cover home hockey games during the 2022-23 season was unanimously denied.
Emergency funds approved for UPAC projector repair
The Union Executive Board approved an emergency subsidy for UPAC's Cinema division via an electronic vote on October 14.
Jackson maskless at D.C. conference
President Shirley Ann Jackson appeared without a mask in Washington, D.C. on September 28 for the Amazon Web Services Summit, while Rensselaer continues to enforce mask mandates and travel restrictions for students.
Club leadership privileges affirmed for Arch students
The Rensselaer Union Executive Board passed a motion September 23 approving club leadership and food subsidy related changes to the Rensselaer Union Guidelines and Procedures.
Union hours set for Fall semester
The Rensselaer Union will be open from 8 am to midnight, Monday through Saturday, and 11 am to midnight on Sundays. Additionally, all entrance doors will be card-access only.
RPI Raaga becomes Union recognized
RPI Raaga, a new South Asian a capella group, was granted Union recognition.
J & J: The key to community immunity
In an email to students Tuesday morning, Executive Director of the Health Center Dr. Leslie Lawrence informed the Rensselaer community of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine’s pause in distribution. Staff writers Jack Zhu ’21 and William Hawkins ’23 argue that this decision will put the entire Rensselaer community at unnecessary risk.
Austerity measures could leave graduating seniors mugless
The Rensselaer Union plans to purchase 1800 mugs for the 1755 students who voted in this year's Grand Marshal Week elections. Union Programs and Activities Committee Chair Eddie Weisser ’21 presented four options to distribute GM week mugs to students during last week’s Executive Board Meeting.
Wellness day woes
“While well-intentioned, a wellness day is not a replacement for Spring Break,” write staff writers Jack Zhu ’21 and William Hawkins ’23.
Mueller Center reopens for students
For the first time this year, the Mueller Center will be open to students. Here’s what you need to know.