Quinn Gangadharan

Previous positions
- Associate News Editor April 2019 to September 2019
- News Editor December 2018 to April 2019
- Associate News Editor September 2018 to December 2018
Your actions always define you
April 17, 2019
The notion that you are not defined by your actions is absurd and goes against the natural instinct that we judge people by their character.
Executive Board
$1,250 approved for BotFactory printer training in late May
April 10, 2019
President of the Union Caitlin Kennedy ’19 chaired her first Executive Board meeting on Thursday.President of the Union Caitlin Kennedy ’20 chaired her first Executive Board meeting on Thursday.
Executive Board
What does the E-Board do? It budgets your money.
March 26, 2019
Student government at RPI is broken up into four components: the Student Senate, the Judicial Board, the Class Councils, and the Executive Board.
Executive Board
$5,150 subsidy for BotFactory printer approved
March 14, 2019
In one of its last meetings of the year, the Executive Board saw a wide array of clubs on its agenda.
Executive Board
Statler & Waldorf office revoked, RMA funds reallocated
February 20, 2019
The Executive Board “revoke[d] Room 3332 in Rensselaer Student Union from Statler & Waldorf, effective at the end of Fiscal Year 2019” and reallocated money in the Rensselaer Music Association’s budget toward a jazz clinic on Thursday.
Editorial Notebook
Searching for balance between health and success
February 13, 2019
People who are sleep deprived are nearly three times more at risk for Type 2 diabetes, see a 48 percent increased likelihood in developing heart diseases, and are three times more likely to catch a cold than their rested peers according to researchers at Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Executive Board
Rensselyrics taken off probation
February 6, 2019
The Rensselyrics were taken off of probation on Thursday January 31 2019. In September, the Executive Board places the a cappella group on probation for violating Union procedures; it had spent around $3,300 on recording a CD without a purchase order.
Executive Board
Rensselaer Union Guidelines & Procedures approved
February 6, 2019
The Executive Board approved an internal policy overhaul, reallocation of funds for student performers and a fist installation at the Black Students’ Alliance annual fashion show, and new jackets for RPI Ambulance on January 24.
Executive Board
Construction of hearthstone, fireplace in McNeil approved
January 23, 2019
Director of the Union Charlie Potts and President of the Union Justin Etzine came before the Rensselaer Executive Board seeking approval of “up to $45,000 from Union Reserves” for the “construction of a hearthstone (including an electric fireplace)” in the McNeil Room and “any necessary design and labor fees associated with the project.” The motion called for relocating, to this new hearthstone, the plaques dedicated to the Grand Marshal, President of the Union, donors towards the 2000 renovation, and portraits of former Director of the Union Rick Hartt and founding Director of the Archer Center Linda McCloskey.
Executive Board
Union renovations set for Winter Break
December 14, 2018
On Wednesday, December 5, the Executive Board met after several weeks of budgeting to discuss and vote on Union renovations, a future RPI Players’ program, and some new clubs.
Vaccines: balancing individual freedoms and public health
November 28, 2018
In 2000, not a single internal transmission of measles occurred in the United States, due to strong immunization.
Executive Board
RMA funding postponed again
November 14, 2018
The Rensselaer Music Association came before the Union Executive Board requesting the reallocation of funds and subsidy for the lease of two baritone saxophones and one timpani drum.
Executive Board
Ambulance purchase approved
November 7, 2018
On Wednesday, October 31, RPI Ambulance requested $60,000 from the Executive Board to use towards the purchase of a new box style ambulance.
Executive Board
RPI Ambulance back in service temporarily
October 31, 2018
While waiting to request a new ambulance altogether, RPI Ambulance asked to go back into service with their current vehicle, expecting to do repairs in the near future.
On-Campus Review
Talk with Nobel laureate Dr. Arnold
October 24, 2018
Just 12 days after receiving the Nobel Prize in chemistry, Dr. Frances H. Arnold visited RPI and presented her research.
Executive Board
RPI Ambulance taken out of service temporarily
October 24, 2018
On Wednesday, the Executive Board took RPI Ambulance out of service until cleared to return, approved an additional bottle filling water fountain, and passed changes to the club starter constitution.
Executive Board
Humans vs. Zombies reinstated with new safety precautions
October 17, 2018
In Wednesday’s E-Board meeting, Humans vs. Zombies’ funding request for safety precautions was approved, Assistant Activity Director Maria Roberts presented feedback by club officers, and the Three Year Plan for the Club Management System was presented and approved.
Editorial Notebook
Participating in random acts of kindness
October 10, 2018
During my senior year, I was talking with one of my friends, and you know, we had done all the college tours over the summer, and she was talking about how she went on a tour of Princeton.
Executive Board
Men’s club basketball now Union recognized
October 3, 2018
On Wednesday, September 26, the Executive Board meeting approved the men’s club basketball team, an event for the Philippine American League, and changes to the Club Affiliation & Recognition Policy.
Executive Board
Halal Shack approved for Rathskeller, now open
September 26, 2018
On Wednesday, the Executive Board approved the opening of Halal Shack in the Union, gave money for buses to Alpha Phi Omega, and granted the African Students Association a starter budget.
Executive Board
Rensselyrics placed on probationary status, internal policy changes passed
September 19, 2018
The Executive Board held its second meeting of the year last Wednesday; it included the “punishment” of the Rensselyrics for neglecting financial policy and revisions of the policies regarding room reservations and events.