
April 2021

Student Rights

Student Handbook updates reflect acts of discrimination, clarify community health requirements

By Medhini Mankale April 25, 2021
This semester, the Rensselaer Handbook of Student Rights and Responsibilities was updated to include a section pertaining to “Acts of Bias, Discriminatory Behavior, and Harassment.” This change was incited by the Rensselaer Black and Latinx Student Coalition, after they realized there were no explicit disciplinary actions against acts of racism at Rensselaer in the Student Handbook.
Joint Top Hat & Derby

Finish strong and look ahead

By Cait Bennett and Yaseen Mahmoud April 25, 2021

Newly elected Grand Marshal Cait Bennett ’22 and President of the Union Yaseen Mahmoud ’22 encourage the student body to finish the semester strong, continue supporting each other, and look forward to the year ahead.

Student Life

New members inducted to Phalanx and White Key Societies

By Medhini Mankale April 17, 2021

The newest members of the Phalanx Honor Society and White key society were inducted in a "tapping ceremony" on April 17. The Phalanx Honor Society and White Key Society recognize Rensselaer students and faculty with outstanding records of leadership and service.


J & J: The key to community immunity

By William Hawkins and Jack Zhu April 17, 2021

In an email to students Tuesday morning, Executive Director of the Health Center Dr. Leslie Lawrence informed the Rensselaer community of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine’s pause in distribution. Staff writers Jack Zhu ’21 and William Hawkins ’23 argue that this decision will put the entire Rensselaer community at unnecessary risk.


Food waste is a choice we don’t have to make

By Gretchen Forbush and Hannah Price April 17, 2021

Gretchen Forbush ’21, founder of Rensselaer’s Food Recovery Network chapter, and Volunteer Coordinator Hannah Price ’23 provide food for thought on the conflicting food waste and food insecurity crises that coexist, and how the Food Recovery Network fits in.


RPI Ambulance services reinstated

By Avery Clark and Angelica Izuwah April 15, 2021

After 13 months of inactivity due to COVID-19 restrictions, RPI Ambulance services resumed on April 12. The decision to do so comes after the Senate passed a motion addressing the concerns of residential assistants on February 3.

GM Week 2021

Austerity measures could leave graduating seniors mugless

By William Hawkins April 13, 2021

The Rensselaer Union plans to purchase 1800 mugs for the 1755 students who voted in this year's Grand Marshal Week elections. Union Programs and Activities Committee Chair Eddie Weisser ’21 presented four options to distribute GM week mugs to students during last week’s Executive Board Meeting.

Editorial Notebook

Wellness day woes

By William Hawkins and Jack Zhu April 9, 2021

“While well-intentioned, a wellness day is not a replacement for Spring Break,” write staff writers Jack Zhu ’21 and William Hawkins ’23.

Town Meeting

Jackson discusses support for underrepresented students during Town Meeting

By Medhini Mankale April 9, 2021

Rensselaer students and faculty members asked Institute President Shirley Ann Jackson and other administrators about plans for the Fall semester, advocacy for underrepresented students, and condemnation of the recent spike in anti-Asian hate crimes during the Spring Town Meeting on March 25. Dr. Jackson also announced intentions to hold commencement in-person and have the campus operate almost normally by the Fall semester.

Editorial Notebook

Why you need to change the way you look at sex work

By Maya Johnson April 9, 2021

Why should you, a college student, worry about the lives of sex workers? Your attitude can help them reclaim the dignity and respect they deserve, while their lives have become even more challenging due to the pandemic, writes Associate Editorial/Opinion Editor Maya Johnson ’22.


RPI secures 1700 Johnson & Johnson vaccines for distribution

By Jack Zhu April 8, 2021

President Shirley Ann Jackson announced that 1700 Johnson & Johnson vaccine doses have been allocated for RPI students.

Letter To The Editor

Becoming the women that change the world

By Cara Riverso ’10 April 2, 2021

Women’s History Month is a time for everyone to reflect on the many women who have changed our world. At a school whose slogan is “Why not change the world?” Alumnae Cara Riverso ’10 writes that Rensselaer women should reflect in an additional way.