What’s The Poly watching?

One of the best ways to take a break from the rigorous academics here at Rensselaer is to sit down and watch a movie or an episode of a TV show. But when you have finally exhausted your extensive to-watch list and you’ve reached the final episode of your favorite TV show, what’s next? Here is a compilation of The Polytechnic’s recommendations:
Alexander Orr: Blue Lock, Chainsaw Man, Mob Psycho 3, Spy Family 2, and Reincarnated as a Sword
- They’re all shows with dramatic ups and downs. All of the main characters have very fun personalities, and I wanted to see each one succeed, especially in Blue Lock.
David Liu: Chainsaw Man and Better Call Saul
Soma Patra:
- New Girl and You: They’re both all time classics that I have been re-watching for the past four years.
- Wednesday: I sat down for 10 hours straight one Thursday night to watch the entirety of Wednesday, start to finish. I highly recommend it.
Maanasa Pulavarty: Kaleidoscope
Gavin MacKenzie:
- Blue Lock: This is a new take on soccer and a cool idea which has been executed well.
- Breaking Bad: I’ve been watching it on plane flights.
- Game of Thrones: Jon Snow is going through it but this show is heat.
- Wednesday: Hogwarts, but different, but it’s good.
Andrew Days: House of the Dragon
Justin Chassin: Where the Crawdads Sing and Wednesday
Rachelle Luo:
- Gravity Falls: Once every few months, I remember this show exists and I rewatch the show. It’s a very nostalgic show because my sister and I used to watch it together when we were younger.
- New Girl: My sister made me watch the first few episodes with her over Thanksgiving break, and now I’m finishing the show. I’m not the biggest fan of the show, but it’s good background noise while I’m doing work.
Mattaya Gibbs: Bullet Train
- It’s an okay movie. That being said, I’ve seen it three times. I’m reading the book right now.
Theo Olinkiewicz:
- Osmosis: It's a very good biotechnology show that makes you think about side effects of clinical trials and how some technology made for the future can ultimately hurt us all. It’s similar to Black Mirror.
- Roswell: It’s a really interesting Sci-Fi show that has biotechnology surrounding the presence of aliens in Roswell, New Mexico.
- Dynasty: It’s a funny family drama that is very intriguing and sends you through a rollercoaster of emotions.
- Supernatural (3rd time): The actors are really good, and I love the show. It’s definitely a show that hits close to home for me, which is a big part of why I love it, other than all of the supernatural beings.
- BioHackers: It’s a really good biotechnology/ethics show that portrays a side of science not many people see.
- Wednesday: I’ve always loved the Addams Family and was instantly happy to see a spinoff show centered on Wednesday. The selection of actors and actresses were very fitting, especially for Thing.
Mohammed Kalefa: Chainsaw Man, Peaky Blinders (Season 4), and Kaleidoscope
Audrey Lewis: The Witcher
- Once December hits, it’s immediately time for a rewatch. It’s just such a winter comfort show for me!
Alex Boyko: Lucifer
Ryan Hickey: Blue Lock
- It’s very hype with great character development. Every episode leaves me waiting for the next.
Katherine Barney:
- Little Women: Little Women was one of my favorite books as a child. I think the casting was done very well for this movie.
- Wednesday: I binge watched this show over Thanksgiving break. I thought the show was done really well, and I really enjoyed Jenna Ortega’s portrayal of Wednesday Addams.
Anna Zuniga:
- Avatar: The Last Airbender: This is my comfort childhood show.
- Wednesday: I watched it all in one day because I didn't want to study.
Angelica Izuwah:
- JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: My sister told me it was nice and encouraged me to watch it.
- Maid Sama: I wanted to rewatch it.
Annelise Eggen-McElmurry: The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes and New Girl
- I’m watching New Girl because it’s my go-to show for winter and The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes because it’s super interesting.
Anna Stubbs: Gilmore Girls
- I’ve watched this ever since 2019 and haven’t stopped—I’ve always loved how quick and witty the characters are.
Sanya Joseph: The Noel Diary
Gemma Beatty: The Haunting of Hill House
Will Dunn: Elementary (Seasons 1-7) and Chowder
- My little brother asked me if Chowder is the blue dude’s adopted son, and I actually couldn’t answer it.
Marissa Ho: Spirited Away
- I always watch this show for childhood nostalgia.