Class of 2024 candidate profiles
The Polytechnic asked the Class of 2024 candidates for class president, class vice president, class senators, and class representatives to discuss what issues they would address and how it would affect the campus or the members of their class. Here are the responses we received.
[Editor’s note: The following was edited for clarity and for The Poly's grammatical and mechanical style. The Poly did not receive responses from Lindsay Brown '24, Ram Munoz-Valverde '24, Kamilia Nicolas ’24, Mike Anderson ’24, Ash Paz '24, or Disha Beri ’24.]
If elected, what issues would you address, and how will this affect the campus or members of your class?
Class of 2024 Representative candidates
Harper Chisari

If elected, I would use my position as a student representative to push for a better overall campus experience and student life, such as improving campus infrastructure and communication. This would be via new communication channels, new campus initiatives for better signage, more convenient access to academic tools, as well as potential improvements in the use of campus land.
We are an excellent school, and I believe our campus should reflect that. Our programs are some of the best in the country, yet we severely lag behind in student life, falling squarely in the middle of the pack according to I absolutely believe that with the combined power of the student body we can make RPI into the campus on a hill that it ought to be.