Class of 2022 candidate profile
The Polytechnic asked the Class of 2022 candidates for class president, class vice president, class senators, and class representatives to discuss their goals and leadership experience and to reflect on their experiences in Student Government as a whole. Here are the responses we received.
[Editor’s note: The following was edited for clarity and for The Poly's grammatical and mechanical style. The Poly did not receive responses from Chevy Chen ’22, Will He ’22, Jeffrey Chai ’22, or Noah Prisament ’22. ]
If elected, what issues would you address, and how will this affect the campus or members of your class?
Class of 2022 representative candidate

Cristina María Contreras
As Class of 2022 Representative, I aspire to continue organizing activities that strengthen our bond as a class. I have been a part of the Undergraduate Council since my freshman year, and in these past years we hosted many activities like our class hockey night with free wings and churros, free movie nights with UPAC cinema, day trip to NYC and more. This year due to COVID-19, we had to change many of our plans, but even with these challenges we were able to do virtual events, send letters and a gift to all class members participating in Arch, and give free cookies in the Fall. We are now approaching our Senior year and I want to continue being one of your class representatives to make sure that our activities fees are being spent in a rightful way. Thank you for your support and don’t forget to vote during GM Week!