Michelle Samour

Previous positions
- Associate Copy Editor November 2019 to May 2020
- Copy Coordinator October 2019 to November 2019
No need to stress about your career
I realized how many people around me had secured summer internships when my sophomore year ended. When I went home after finals, I applied to positions in a panic. I was afraid I made a mistake by never attending career fairs and making no effort to get an internship.
Rensselaer laments loss of graduate student
The Rensselaer community mourns the passing of graduate student Yeming Shen, after his roommate discovered him on February 10 in their apartment at City Station.
Shows to help you unwind this semester
During the cold and rainy days here in Troy, sometimes you just have to bury yourself in blankets and put on a good show. If you’ve already binged all the popular series on Netflix and are looking for something new, The Polytechnic is here to help.
Why I’m glad capstone is over
Multidisciplinary Capstone Design is a course where students across many majors take part in a semester-long project. It sounds like it has the potential to be a great resume booster for those lacking experience elsewhere, but some things are better in theory than in practice.
Mediterranean Student Club is now Union recognized
The Executive Board approved Union recognition for the Mediterranean Student Club, and the Art Club received Union funding on Thursday.
RPI Rudras granted funds to compete in Pittsburgh
President Sanjana Davuluri ’20 and Treasurer Nirav Patel ’20 of the Desi Network of Dance stood before the Board for approval of the RPI Rudras to travel to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in February to compete in the Dhirana Competition, an Indian classical dance competition. They requested a budget from travel contingencies for this purpose.
Over $60,000 approved for new Playhouse sound system
Disc Golf and Project Sunshine now Union clubs
The Executive Board unanimously approved three programs for the African Student Association, granted Union recognition to the Disc Golf Club, and granted Union affiliation to Project Sunshine on Thursday.