Executive Board

E-Board reports on Mueller Center smoke and success of CMVP Program

Last Monday, the Mueller Center observed smoke affecting the weight and cardio rooms at 4:32 pm, according to Jacob Fuhr ’25. President of the Union Cat Philipps ’24, ’25G stated that while everyone is safe, damage assessments are ongoing.

The Course Materials Value Pack program with the collegiate bookstore has been the second greatest source of revenue for Rensselaer, along with saving around $140,000 for just over 3000 students.

A small summary of the reports presented are as follows: budgeting discussions for the Union are scheduled for January, with administrative budgets likely to be addressed in November, and the Freshman Hill sports courts are nearing completion, with a dedication planned for November.

The Executive Board meeting was held on October 9. The E-Board meets weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm in the Shelnutt Gallery.