Executive Board

Students on Arch to vote using Simply Voting

The Election Commission Chairperson of Rensselaer’s Student Senate Evan Wadley ’23 came to the Executive Board meeting representing the EC, a subcommittee of the Senate that carries out confidential elections for the Senate. There may be a preliminary election on March 20 if there are too many candidates, but there will still be the election during Grand Marshal Week on Thursday, March 23. In the past, there have been issues with juniors voting during their Arch semester because virtual voting was not an option, so the Senate wanted a reallocation of $1,000 to cover about 1,800 voters to partake in Simply Voting. This will be a one-time fee since they will use this money to adjust the website permanetly. After some deliberation, the motion passed 9-1-3, having three people abstain to reach quorum despite a conflict of interest.

Director of the Union Charlie Potts asked the E-Board for about $45,000 for the start of construction of a low ropes course in the woods behind Sunset Terrace using money from the surplus of the Archer Center budget. This project will be for groups and clubs to use for leadership development, collaboration, problem solving, and communication activities. All elements of the course can be taken down, disengaged, or locked for safety purposes, as well as less than a few feet off the ground. After questions and deliberation, the motion passed unanimously.

Finally, during the invitation to speak, Class Representative Jacob Fuhr ’25 informally asked the E-Board what they thought about the Union Show Techs being able to stay past Union hours for their work before and after shows. The E-Board was divided, with concerns about safety having the Union conditionally open, considering other issues of safety on college campuses across the United States. No decision was made on the matter.

This Executive Board meeting was held on February 16. The next E-Board meeting will be held Thursday, February 23 at 7 pm in the Shelnutt Gallery.