New appointments to the E-Board, Mueller Center
During the Executive Board meeting on January 26, Cassidy Schultz ’21 stepped down from her position as Club Operations Committee Chair and Mia Lin ’23 was unanimously appointed as her replacement. Siddhi Balamurali ’23 stepped down as Executive Board Secretary due to transferring to a different university and Dr. Potts updated the board on administrative plans for opening the Mueller Center.
According to Dr. Potts, the Mueller Center will not be opening along with the Union, since “right now, as best I understand it, there is no administrative inclination to open the Mueller Center on February 8.” He explained that “frankly, everybody has been so focused on move-in, that the details of building operations has not really caught anybody's attention,” and with “all the different virus strains going on right now there truly is a prudence in play.” Dr. Potts further expressed his concerns on the Union’s building hours, suggesting that the Union “allow hours to the building to be such that staff can be there to a reasonable evening time” and that any time after 9 pm “can be overseen by student building managers.” He has yet to receive any feedback on his plans by the administration and he doesn’t “expect it to happen this week.”
Before her appointment, Mia Lin remarked, “I’m really excited to be able to take on a bigger role in Club ops. I have done a lot as Vice Chair and I really enjoy all the things that Cas has done, and I’m kind of sad that Cas is not with us for the rest of the semester. But, I will try my best to do her part.”