Celebrating the holiday season with the RPI community

As students prepare for finals, we are looking forward to the break and the holiday season. On Monday, December 12, President Martin A. Schmidt ’81 hosted a campus seasonal celebration for faculty, staff, and students. He opened the celebration with a speech, thanking the wonderful teams that helped plow the snow efficiently after Troy received a few inches of snow, our first substantial snow of the school year. From 11:30 am to 2 pm, people filled the East Campus Arena for food, drinks, and music.
The ECAV Arena was decorated with flowers and festive decorations, including lights and trees.
On the edges of the main ECAV Arena, there were lines of food, including roasted meat, chicken, brussel sprouts, potatoes, soup, and salad. In the back of the arena, there were drinks and an assortment of desserts.
A DJ played festive music throughout the lunch. ECAV was crowded as faculty, staff, and students alike enjoyed the fun celebration.
The celebration was a nice break from studying during the reading days. It was a pleasant reminder of Rensselaer’s close-knit community during these stressful times.