Sidney Kochman

Previous positions
- Editor in Chief April 2017 to December 2017
- Senior Managing Editor September 2016 to April 2017
- Acting Senior Managing Editor May 2016 to September 2016
- Photography Editor December 2015 to May 2016
- Technology Director September 2018 to September 2019
- Photography Coordinator October 2015 to December 2015
- Systems Director
- Web Director
Building the future of The Polytechnic
September 11, 2019
Journalism is in flux. The traditional newspaper is dead. Revenue from selling advertisements in a printed edition is shrinking. Across the country, smaller newspapers are being bought by national conglomerates, and the staffs that understand local issues better than anyone are being eviscerated to cut costs.
Empac Event
Art installation pays homage to Shakespeare
January 16, 2019
Professor Michael Century took over the EMPAC Goodman Studio 1 to perform his sound art installation The Isle is Full of Noises.
Campus Event
RPI community welcomes incoming class
September 5, 2018
Welcome Fest, Rensselaer’s pre-semester tradition where freshmen shake President Shirley Ann Jackson’s hand, high-five members of her cabinet, and then wind through the streets of downtown Troy before arriving at Riverfront Park, took place on Tuesday.
Rensselaer Union
Jackson appoints Union director without E-Board vote
August 17, 2018
In an email to the Rensselaer community on August 13, President Shirley Ann Jackson announced the appointment of Charlie Potts to the position of director of the Union.
‘Smells rotten’: Administrators meet with Elections Commission
April 17, 2018
The Elections Commission was summoned to a meeting with Vice President for Student Life LeNorman Strong, Vice President for Information Services and Technology and Chief Information Officer John Kolb ’79, General Counsel and Secretary of the Institute Craig Cook, and Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students Travis Apgar via an email sent on Sunday. The meeting occurred yesterday at 5 pm.
Gm Week 2018
GM Week elections underway
April 5, 2018
52 candidates will appear on the Grand Marshal Week 2018 ballot, along with one professor and two amendments to the Union Constitution.
Gm Week 2018
Etzine campaign posters defaced
April 3, 2018
On Monday, posters belonging to president of the Union candidate Justin Etzine ’18 were found defaced with stickers distributed by president of the Union candidate Ida Etemadi ’19’s campaign.