Avery Clark

Previous positions
- Associate Editorial/Opinion Editor September 2020 to October 2021
RPI Ambulance services reinstated
After 13 months of inactivity due to COVID-19 restrictions, RPI Ambulance services resumed on April 12. The decision to do so comes after the Senate passed a motion addressing the concerns of residential assistants on February 3.
Residential students speak out against unsatisfactory quarantine living conditions
The 51st Senate concluded its term with the passing of the ‘Quarantine Communications' motion prompted by the extension of the Trigger Level One quarantine on March 17. In a meeting attended by over 180 people, students discussed a potential refund for the quarantine food, the quality and nutritional value of meals, and outdoor time.
Senate passes motion to reinstate RPI Ambulance services
RPI’s ambulance service was shut down last semester due to COVID-19 restrictions. In response to a joint letter by a group of resident assistants and RPI ambulance members, the Senate motioned “to urge the Institute Administration to allow RPI Ambulance to go back in service.”
RPI clubs persist through the pandemic
As part of an ongoing attempt to maintain a semblance of the normal college experience, many clubs have adapted their activities to operate fully online. The Polytechnic interviewed club officers about forging friendships online, pursuing projects virtually, and planning for the future.
It's a soggy mess: Rensselaer’s quarantine food does not fail to disappoint
Students everywhere endure the mediocrity of dining hall food, but Rensselaer’s choiceless quarantine meals are a whole new take on this quintessential college experience. There was no way to prepare first-year students for the abysmal food that was soon to arrive on their dorm-steps: soggy croutons, cold sauceless noodles, and more. First-year writer Avery Clark reviews Rensselaer’s quarantine food delivery service.