Executive Board

RPI Cricket club becomes Union-recognized club

Students from RPI Cricket Club approached the Executive Board seeking Union recognition. It was explained that there had previously been a separate cricket club at RPI that had been sunset due to inactivity after COVID. The new RPI Cricket Club explained that they are a diverse group of members at all skill levels, from beginners to national competitors. The team has been steadily growing, with new members joining each week and teams from other colleges reaching out to compete against them. After a brief discussion, the E-Board approved the recognition unanimously.

Following RPI Cricket Club, a motion to approve the extended reservation of the McNeil Room for the concert on Friday featuring the band Dogpark was brought to the Board by UPAC Concerts. They explained that the McNeil room had previously been reserved from 3:00 pm-12:00 am, but there was no time allocated for show techs to set up, requiring a special reservation starting at 11:30 am instead. After a brief discussion, the new reservation was approved 12-0-2.

The Executive Board meeting was held on October 2. E-Board meets weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm in the Shelnutt Gallery.