Executive Board

Union receives light subsidy, Jordan Krishnayah appointed

The Executive Board kicked off their meeting last Wednesday by approving an additional subsidy totaling $90,855 for outdoor lighting. The motion allocated $57,750 for lighting the courtyard trees, and $33,105 for the Student Union building. This subsidy was originally proposed on July 19, 2020, but was postponed mainly due to COVID. In lieu of generous grants from Tim Frosell ’85 and Theresa Frosell ’86 for the courtyard lighting, as well as John Kessler ’79 for the building lighting, the motion resurfaced this fall. It passed 12-1-1.

A motion was put forward by Jacob Steingart ’25G to implement a dress code for E-Board meetings with intent to increase professionalism during meetings. The motion stated that a minimum dress code of business casual would have to be met by all members of the board. The motion originally stated that denim would be prohibited at meetings, but the board voted to allow for it in the motion. Jacob Fuhr ’25 objected to this motion, arguing that instating a mandatory dress code was discriminatory to members of the E-Board who could not afford business casual attire. A motion to remove the penalty for failing to uphold the dress code passed, but Fuhr added that even instating a recommended standard of attire singled out lower-income members of the Board. This point was then countered, as multiple clubs on campus offer business casual clothing for free. This includes the E-Board itself, who have a budget for uniforms that they have not used yet. An attempt to amend the motion to require an E-Board sponsored uniform during meetings did not go through, and the board opted instead to do nothing. The motion to implement the dress code ultimately failed 6-7-1.

Jordan Krishnayah ’28 was then approved as Student Government Communications Committee chair. Krishnayah is “a very dedicated individual” and is determined to better unite the Student Union’s methods of communication with the public. He also wishes to “create new ways for [them] to represent themselves as student government.” When asked about his plans for managing his time, Krishnayah said that his “commitment to the student government” is his top priority, and will remain dedicated to his position during his first semester at RPI. The motion to confirm Krishnayah passed 13-0-2.

During invitation to speak, a motion was brought forward by Toby McDonald ’26 to open the Union building to students 24 hours a day. Historically, the building allowed students access around the clock. Restrictions during COVID changed its hours of operation in Fall 2021, with the hours being changed to 8am-12am. The hours are the same to this day. However, a flood of requests from the student body has pushed to reinstate the old hours. The motion, should it pass, states that the new hours of operation would become effective Monday, October 21 of this year. The motion to table tied 4-4-7, with President of the Union Cat Philipps ’24, ’25G breaking the tie and choosing to table the motion, allowing for more time to perform a risk assessment for the extended hours.

The Executive Board meeting was held on September 11. The next E-Board meeting is Wednesday, September 18 at 7:30 pm in the Shelnutt Gallery.