Student Senate

Senate reinstates Title IX and Bystander Intervention Training Policy for RPI club leaders

In the first meeting of the semester, Graduate Senator Ria Massoni ’25G brought forward a motion on behalf of the Student Life Committee to reintroduce the Title IX and Bystander Intervention Training policy for leaders of all RPI Union-affiliated clubs and organizations. New York State law requires all student leaders of clubs and organizations recognized by the Institute to complete training. The policy is meant to kickstart training as soon as possible, but Section 4 of the motion restricts any penalties for clubs that fail to complete the training this academic year.

The policy was in the Rensselaer Union Guidelines and Policies until its removal in December 2023. According to the President of the Union, Catherine Philipps ’24, ’25G, the policy was removed from the RUGP by former PU Ava Gallagher ’22, ’23G, putting the RPI Union out of compliance with state law. When asked by Class of 2027 Senator Andrew Wu why the policy was removed, Philipps stated that the policy had been removed due to its lack of enforcement, poor execution, and a lack of staff for Title IX training. As Massoni pointed out, the addition of this policy to the current RUGP is crucial, but the policy was not required to pass in its current state, leaving room for discussion on structure and wording.

In discussion, Wu moved to remove Section Four of the suggested policy that ensures no penalties this academic year. However, the Senate chose to maintain this section, given the lack of warning time for club leaders and the upcoming wedding of Elizabeth Brown-Goyette, Lead Title IX Coordinator at RPI. Massoni called for a roll call vote, and the motion was passed unanimously with limited edits.

The Senate also heard nominations for three vacant non-voting positions, which were all passed unanimously. Natalie Hrytsyna ’28 was confirmed as Senate-Executive Liaison, with some Senate members, especially Wu, believing that her lack of bias as a freshman will create a friendlier relationship with the Executive Board. The position of Facilities and Services Committee Chair was given to Dominick Celeste ’25 after the Senate was impressed by his experience in contracting within the Troy community. Jordan Krishnayah ’28 was approved as Student Government Communications Committee Chair after a great deal of discussion incited by Class of 2027 Senator Williams Chen. Chen questioned Krishnayah’s time management abilities if elected after revealing their previous involvement in high school projects together. The Senate and members of the E-board, however, held full confidence in Krishnayah due to his passion and experience, voting unanimously for his appointment.

This Senate meeting was held on September 9, 2024. The Senate meets every Monday at 8 pm in the Shelnutt Gallery.