RMA approved for new recording equipment

The Rensselaer Music Association began their request by reflecting upon the history of their previous directors Bob Button and JB, who always had wished for their students to be able to record music. Building off of this statement, the RMA requested a subsidy of $5,906.94 for new music equipment that would enable the RMA to record more complex songs with a variety of instruments. The requested equipment included a new OctoPre preamp, power conditioner, several microphones, and a new keyboard. RMA’s Studio Manager Jonathan Givan ’23G explained that the purpose behind these purchases was to give students a chance to record any music they make at RPI. The E-Board debated for a bit over the $4,199.99 piano and asked specifics on when the piano would be purchased. Givan responded as soon as they were approved for the funding. In the end, the motion for all the equipment was approved and passed unanimously.
Dr. Charlie Potts recounted the recent flooding in the RPI Playhouse to the Executive Board. He reported that the flooding mostly affected the main floor and lobby of the Playhouse and indicated that the RPI Players were working on being relocated. In addition, Potts hinted at the building being renovated and turned towards the walkway rather than towards the street in the future. RPI hopes these renovations will be complete by August 2023, but has yet to be confirmed due to the scale of the damage and the unforeseeable timeline of the renovations.
Members of both the Philippine American League and Korean Student Association proposed a new program to the E-Board that would allow them to participate in a sports competition in the ’87 Gym. The purpose of the competition is to provide an opportunity for the two clubs in addition to the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers to connect and spend time together. The Association leaders said that they hoped this would give them a chance to share their culture with one another as they bond over a common interest. The motion for the sports competition passed 10-0-3.
The Indian Student Association asked for a $500 subsidy to help pay for food costs for events, including their upcoming formal in April. The motion passed unanimously.
UPAC Comedy requested to utilize the McNeil Room for a comedy show they are holding on Tuesday, February 28. They plan to host comedian Sammy Anzer to run the show. The motion passed 12-0-0.
The Polytechnic stood before the E-Board with a presentation on their plans to attend the College Media Association convention in New York City over spring break. Their budget was created during the pandemic and therefore needed to be modified to account for the 2023 school year. The Poly planned to bring an additional two people to CMA and needed additional funds to cover the cost of the entrance fees. The fees rose from $85 to $135 per person, and money was needed to cover the extra tickets. In total, The Poly requested $2,814, which needed to be reallocated to pay for hotel rooms. Member-At-Large Representative Evan Mahns ’23 asked for specifics on the merits of attending the Convention. The Poly’s Editor-in-Chief Alexander Orr ’25 responded by listing the activities that occurred at the conference, as well as the credentials of the individuals who speak at these conferences. In the end, the motion to approve the reallocation of the funds passed 8-4-0.
The E-Board sunsetted Colleges Against Cancer and the Hawaii Cultural Club, both of which had reportedly not communicated with the Rensselaer Union and therefore were removed from the Union-funded club list.
This Executive Board Meeting was held on Thursday, February 9. The next Executive Board meeting is Thursday, February 16 at 7 pm in the Shelnutt Gallery.