Executive Board

Clubs receive reallocations, Executive Board members confirmed to chairs

Editor's Note: This article was meant to be published on January 31, 2024.

The Rensselyrics, one of Rensselaer’s a cappella groups on campus, began the Executive Board meeting by asking for a reallocation for gas reimbursement. The club, which currently has 18 competing members, plans to travel to the Rome Free Academy Collegiate A Cappella Invitational on February 3. The competition is being held in Rome, New York and they plan to save costs by driving instead of renting a bus. Due to the fact this year’s International Championship of A Capella is being held at Rensselaer, the club has leftover funds in their budget and would like to put it towards the cost of gas. After deliberation, the motion to reallocate $222 towards gas passed unanimously.

UPAC Cinema, presented by Club Financial Advisor Scott Nwosu ’24, requested that funds be reallocated for prizes during the upcoming Student Film Festival. The annual festival serves as a place for students to submit and showcase their films and even have a chance to win prizes. In the past, members received prizes such as bookstore gift cards, but this year UPAC wants to broaden the prizes to include items like a mini projector or polaroid camera. This request was considered heavily by the E-board, which stated they usually do not approve the funding of prizes. There was much debate and discussion over the festival and involvement, but in the end, the motion to reallocate $200 for prizes passed 8-4-0.

Chess Club member Daniel Miller ’26 then asked that $585 be reallocated towards purchasing new chess equipment. This budget will allow them to purchase necessary equipment such as clocks and boards so that they can host tournaments in the future. The club does not have any clocks that are in good condition and have been borrowing them from other universities and nearby high schools. The club had money in other budgets that were moved towards a new budget entitled “Chess Equipment”. The motion to reallocate a total of $585 from various funds to be used towards general chess equipment passed unanimously.

The board then had a series of confirmations to new chairpositions. The following members were confirmed:

Kripa Khanal ’25, Parliamentarian

Lakshmi Yannam ’26, Secretary

Colette Minor ’26, SGCC Chair

Spring Fang ’24, Club Operations Chair

Michelle Martinez ’26, MLC Chair

Vicky Guo ’26, Vice President for Club Relations

Aaryan Bhatt ’25, Vice President for Board Operations

This Executive Board meeting was held on January 25. The next Executive Board meeting is on Thursday, February 1 at 7 pm in the Shelnutt Gallery.