Snow day moves classes online

Due to inclement weather, all classes today will be held online. The Institute sent an emergency alert at 5:41 am making the announcement. Ten minutes later a second emergency alert was sent out announcing liberal leave for some Institute employees. All ‘non-essential’ employees have an additional two hours to arrive at work. All essential employees still need to arrive at their scheduled start times.
The COVID-19 testing center will be open today from 10 am - 1 pm. Executive Director of the Health Center Dr. Lawrence advised caution when traveling to the testing center, noting that testing may be delayed due to liberal leave being in place for employees.
Thursday night into Friday morning, Troy experienced a combination of snow and sleet leaving roads in dangerous conditions. At 7:30 am Friday,the snow and sleet accumulated to two and a half inches. Weather reports show snow continuing throughout the day.
Thursday night, SnowDayCalculator estimated the chance of a snow day at 95% for the Troy area.