Editorial Notebook

This or that: the beauty of choice

As college students, we often find ourselves faced with a myriad of choices. From deciding whether to go out with friends or stay in and study, to deeper dilemas, the abundance of options can sometimes feel overwhelming. However, I believe that this so-called burden of choice is actually a privilege—a powerful tool for personal growth and societal understanding.

Let’s take the simple decision of whether to go out or stay in. While it may seem trivial, this choice represents a crossroads filled with potential experiences. Each decision offers us an opportunity to expand our horizons or engage in self-reflection. The key is recognizing the value in both paths and making conscious choices that align with our growth and our responsibility to others.

In my own life, I’ve found that choosing to go out often leads to the most impactful lessons. It’s not just about the act itself; it’s about embracing the unknown and opening ourselves up to new perspectives. Neale Donald Walsch said "life begins at the end of your comfort zone." This willingness to step outside familiar boundaries can lead to profound insights.

A memorable experience that highlighted this for me occurred in 2017, when I met a young boy selling cloth bags outside a supermarket. While I was preoccupied with what to have for dinner, he was focused on selling bags to help his pregnant mother afford groceries. This encounter was eye-opening; it contrasted my trivial concerns with his pressing need to support his family. It wasn’t merely about witnessing inequality; it was a lesson in resilience and responsibility.

This experience illustrates why the privilege of choice is so valuable. It allows us to actively seek out and engage with different life circumstances, fostering empathy and broadening our understanding of the world around us. Our choices can serve as answers to the critical question: what are you doing for others?

The boy’s instinctive commitment to his family challenged my understanding of priorities. It reminded me that sometimes, the most profound choices are made without hesitation, driven by necessity and love. This realization underscores the importance of having a strong moral compass to guide our decisions.

In the end, the privilege of choice is not about having an abundance of options, but about what we do with those choices. It's about the actions we take and the impact we create. As students, we're in a unique position to shape not only our own futures but also the future of the world. Every decision—from the classes we take to the causes we support—has the potential to ripple outward and affect others.

So, the next time you're faced with a choice, big or small, remember that it's an opportunity—an opportunity to learn, to grow, to challenge yourself, and to make a difference. Don't let the fear of making the wrong choice paralyze you. Instead, embrace its beauty and use it wisely.