Student Senate

Senate pushes ongoing traffic safety initiative

The Senate brought a motion to push for a deadline to gather traffic safety data for the ongoing campus initiative. The goal is to improve the conditions of crosswalks on and adjacent to campus, including the survey of poorly lit or otherwise dangerous crosswalks, which will be conducted jointly by the Student Senate and the Department of Public Safety. This motion has been continually tabled to ensure thorough data collection from the City of Troy.

According to Facilities & Services Committee Chairperson Dominick Celeste ’25, the most recent actions for this initiative have been the ongoing discussions between the Student Senate and various fraternal organizations on campus, many of which have property in areas with dangerous traffic conditions. After a lengthy discussion and input from the Director of the Union Charlie Potts, who commended the Senate on their dedication to solving this ongoing issue, this motion was passed 12-0-1.

Additionally, the board had an overwhelmingly positive discussion for the confirmation of Gavin Finn ’28 as a freshman class representative. President of the Union Cat Phillips ’24, ’25G noted Finn as a promising candidate who has shown interest in Student Government since his enrollment. Finn’s interests in Student Government include the financial aspects and general public involvement. The Senate unanimously voted to approve his confirmation.

During the Invitation to Speak, Graduate Senator Ria Massoni brought up concerns on the indictment of the former Grand Marshal. Massoni stated that she wanted to discuss the prior election to ensure fairness in future elections. The motion to table the conversation was passed 9-1-3 after multiple Senate members —many unaware that the motion was on the agenda—expressed their reluctance to move forward.

This Senate meeting was held on September 16, 2024. The Senate meets every Monday at 8 pm in the Shelnutt Gallery.