RPI Playhouse, E-Complex Flooded

At roughly 6 pm on Saturday, February 4, a water pipe burst in the RPI Playhouse causing severe flooding.
During a rehearsal earlier in the day, a loud sound was heard from the water fountain, and it was assumed a pipe had burst. The water main was subsequently shut off and the rehearsal was cut short. About an hour after the end of the rehearsal, the alarms inside the building were suddenly set off and three fire trucks were seen outside the building. Despite the flooding, most of the electrical equipment inside, including the UPS, seems to have been undamaged.
As a result of the flooding, the club talent show scheduled for this weekend will most likely be postponed. The RPI Players’ performance of Heathers in early April will likely remain on schedule.
The following morning, E-Complex was also flooded. The exact cause of the flooding is still unknown.
The flooding in the Playhouse and E-Complex seem to be due to the extremely cold weather Troy experienced over the weekend; however, there could be additional factors at play. Notably, both floods come in the wake of the Colonie B and Freshmen Hill flooding last semester.
As of February 7, E-Complex is in decent shape besides the basement. RPI Playhouse is still in repairs.