GM Week debates Tuesday in Union

GM Week election debates are happening on Tuesday in the McNeil room of the Rensselaer Union from 6 to 8 pm. This is the first in-person debate since 2018. There were no contested elections in 2019 to warrant holding a debate. Due to COVID-19, the 2020 debate was cancelled outright, and the 2021 debate was held remotely.
Candidates for the 157th Grand Marshal position are Cait Bennett ’22 and Nicole Gramenides ’23. Ria Massoni-Nesman ’24 and Colleen Corrigan ’21, who are running for Undergraduate President and President of the Union, respectively, are unopposed. Elections Commission chairperson Nick Longchamp ’24 and William Hawkins ’23, who is the news editor for The Polytechnic, will moderate the debate.
The event will be divided into one debate for the contested position and two 30 minute question and answer sections for the uncontested positions. Here are the times and associated positions for the debates: 6:00 - 6:30 pm for PU, 6:30 - 7:00 pm for UP, and 7:00 - 8:00 pm for GM. During each debate, candidates will start with opening statements and answer an initial set of questions given by the moderators. The debate will then be opened to the audience for questions, which can be submitted via QR code and will be screened by the Elections Commission. Finally, candidates will give their closing remarks.
The debate can be viewed remotely on RPI TV here.
Editor's Note: The article now includes that the debates will be live streamed on RPI TV.