Union open house planned for September 27

The Executive Board met on Thursday to allocate $140 to the Dance Dance Revolution Club, approve two club budgets for the upcoming fiscal year, and make plans for the upcoming Union open house.
The first and only proposal was put forward by the Dance Dance Revolution Club. They asked for approval for a new “Arcade Trips” program, which would bring club members to and from the Dave and Busters in Albany to use their “high quality arcade equipment,” and “connect with local groups with similar interests and goals.” Subsequently, the club requested $140 to pay for gas to and from the arcade for 14 different trips.
The Board deliberated over the cost by using calculators, googling gas usage statistics, and generating their own price figures. Though their calculated estimate was $91, Board members decided that since the asked price was so low, they didn’t mind giving the club extra funds for a margin of safety. The motions each passed with no votes against them, and only one abstention.
After completing all other agenda items, the Executive Board closed the meeting to review two new club budgets: Active Minds and Chinese Students and Scholars Association. Both Fiscal Year 2020 budgets were approved. Active Minds received $1,020, and CSSA received $1,312. Both budgets came from the FY20 contingencies fund and were passed unanimously.
A presentation describing the Union open house—which will be hosted by Union Programs and Activities Committee on September 27—was also heard. It will begin with a performance by the RPI Pep Band at noon, followed by a brief performance by Steven Brundage, a magician who appeared on America’s Got Talent, from 1–2 pm. Following that, customers at Father’s, Panera’s, Ben and Jerry’s, and the RPI Bookstore will be given freebies from 2–4 pm.
“A Union that is rejuvenated” will be the central theme of the open house. From 4:30–6:30 pm, three newly formed jazz bands that were created during the Arch will perform in the plaza, or in the McNeil Room if it’s raining. From 5–7 pm, "Happy Hour" will take place at the Clubhouse Pub, which will feature its own band. At 7:30 pm Steven Brundage will perform once again. Finally, at 8–10 pm, a “Mother’s reunion show” will take place in Mother’s Wine Emporium.
The Rensselaer Union Executive Board holds open meetings every Thursday at 7 pm in the Shelnutt Gallery.