RMA funding postponed again

The Rensselaer Music Association came before the Union Executive Board requesting the reallocation of funds and subsidy for the lease of two baritone saxophones and one timpani drum. The timpani drum is over 50 years old, and “botched,” while the baritone saxophones “are in bad condition.” Many groups use the same limited instruments, and the School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences has begun using the instruments due to lack of resources, putting additional wear on them. This also forces the multiple groups to sometimes forgo using the necessary instruments. The group had come before the Executive Board previously, and were denied the adequate funding and told to come back this year.
A motion to “approve the reallocation of $2,500 from Goal C line b of the Fiscal Year 2019 RMA budget for the lease or purchase of a Yamaha baritone saxophone and portable pedal Balance Timpani” failed 0-10-4. However, a following motion allowed a $305 allocation for the same purpose—pushing the process off until a better plan can be formulated.
Also on Wednesday night, the Multicultural Leadership Council requested to transition from a temporary committee to a permanent committee of the Executive Board. According to the presentation given, the MLC is a “voice for the unfunded clubs,” allows collaboration for a strong network between identity-based clubs, acts as an advisor for clubs, and oversees affairs for the Multicultural Lounge.
In addition to all of the benefits for multicultural students, they also proposed a benefit for the Executive Board and Rensselaer. As attitudes across the country are changing, they stated it is more important than ever to demonstrate a commitment to prioritizing diversity and inclusiveness. A motion to, “approve the revised Executive Board Bylaws, which include adding the Multicultural Leadership Council as a permanent committee of the Executive Board, as proposed by the Policies Committee and presented to the Board on November 7, 2018, effective upon confirmation of the Student Senate,” passed 15-0-1.
The conflict of interest policy was revised. Now, it specifies Executive Board members who are the Executive Board representative for a club are not considered to have a conflict of interest.
Also, it now states that a member with a conflict of interest cannot make a motion on the issue: people with conflicts of interest are not supposed to be in the room voting on the motion, so the Board thought they shouldn’t be able to make those motions to begin with. Chairperson of the Policies Committee David Raab did encourage those with a conflict of interest that want to make a motion to pass it off to a neighbor to make, therefore creating a system of checks and balances. The proposed changes passed 15-1-0.
Also on Wednesday, the Nutrition Club as well as the urban dance group RPOP were approved as Union-recognized clubs. RPI Interplanetary Society was approved a stop-gap budget of $356, with the requirement that any recruiters they bring onto campus go through the Center for Career & Professional Development.