
The role of an Executive Board representative

By Caitlin Kennedy January 28, 2020

The Executive Board approves around 10 new clubs each year. Many of these clubs will go on to request funding for their group. Once they become Union recognized organizations, they’re eligible to apply for starter budgets after roughly three months of operation. After the successful completion of a starter budget, clubs can apply for a full budget. This means they will join over 120 Union-funded groups who go through budgeting each November. Once you become a Union Funded club, you will be assigned an Executive Board Representative. Each year, the Executive Board has up to 20 members who can act as representatives to clubs. Along with an Executive Board representative, clubs will be assigned a Student Activities Resource Person, also known as a SARP.

Clubs are grouped with their SARPs depending upon which category they fall into: cultural, academic, programming, sports, etc. We assign E-Board reps in a similar manner. Both the Executive Board rep and SARP of the club are listed on the club’s Club Management System page. Once a club is assigned a rep, it is up to that rep and the club’s officers to determine how they would like their relationship to look. Some clubs like to meet with their rep on a weekly or monthly basis. Other clubs prefer to check in with their rep over email or have them attend a club meeting. Each club has different needs and it is important that the club officers and E-Board reps are communicating.

Every year, our funded clubs are required to attend certain training, like the financial and travel workshops. Because of this, the Union expects its clubs to have a basic understanding of our policies and the dos and don’ts of a Rensselaer Union Club. Our Executive Board reps go through extensive training and have a much deeper understanding of our policies. They are the resource that their clubs can go to with any questions. If a club ever needs to come before the Executive Board for any reason, they first need to talk to their E-Board rep. Their rep can help walk them through the process of filling out all the required paperwork to present to the board.

Reps are most important during the budgeting process. When the Executive Board reviews a club budget, it is presented by that club’s representative. That is why it is vital that reps and clubs communicate so they are on the same page. The rep needs to be able to answer any questions on the club’s budget and understand what money is vital and what is just nice to have when reviewing the budget. It is most beneficial to the club and the Executive Board for this relationship to be strong. If a club ever has any questions or issues with communicating with their Executive Board representatives, they can always reach out to me at and we will figure it out!