PU Candidate Profile: Gavin Finn
Editor's Note: The Poly sent a questionnaire to every candidate that had filed to run for GM, PU, and UP prior to Spring break. Below are the unedited responses from PU candidate Gavin Finn '28.
Why do you want to be President of the Union?
I want to be the President of the Union because I truly believe that I can effect a positive change beyond my term in office by laying down guidelines and building inroads while I hold the position.
What qualifies you to be President of the Union?
I am qualified to be President of the Union because of my experience on many of the subcommittees of the Executive Board, my inroads to many of the other branches of Student Government, and my dedication to getting the work done.
Name three short-term goals (within your term of office) and three long-term goals (beyond your term of office) that you have for the Executive Board.
Short term:
- Increase communication on what the Executive Board accomplishes and how that affects students.
- Oversee and aid in the completion of the renovations of the Games Room and Mothers over the Summer.
- Creating a starter document for all new officers and all new clubs that simply and clearly communicates how to navigate common problems and the basic
procedures for running clubs.
Long term:
- Increase communication and build inroads between all of the branches of the Student Government.
- Encourage students to come to their representatives on the Executive Board or Student Senate to improve the operations of the Union.
- Gaining more student interest in the Student Government and getting more people who are not part of StuGov to join committees to make the changes they want to see happen.
In your own words, what do you feel are the roles of the President of the Union and the Union Executive Board? Do you think the current Executive Board is fulfilling that role? If any, what changes could be made?
The primary role of the President of the Union is to ensure the effective running of the Union Executive Board, while the role of the Executive Board is to properly allocate the funds from the student activity fee, to aid clubs and organizations affiliated, recognized, or funded by the Union, and to oversee clubs becoming affiliated, recognized, or funded. I think that the current Executive Board fulfills these two purposes, however I also believe that more should be done to take in projects from students. I believe that more effort should be put into reaching out to students and hearing their responses on what the most pressing issues that the Executive Board can tackle are. There is currently not a clear and commonly used method for contacting a member of the Executive Board to bring up an issue other than finding someone on the Student Government Website to reach out to by email.
What do you think are the incumbent President of the Unionʼs strengths and weaknesses? What would you do to improve upon them if you were elected?
Editor's Note: The answer to this question was left blank.
What does the club-Executive Board representative relationship look like? What should it look like?
The club-Executive Board representative relationship currently depends heavily on who the representative is. Some communicate solely through emails, while others communicate using SMS messaging or phone calls; some are diligent in ensuring that all of their clubs’ needs are met, others take at times days or multiple weeks to respond. I believe that it should, by and large, be up to the clubs and their Executive Board representatives to determine how they communicate. That being said, I also believe that all representatives should endeavor to respond to all messages either the day of or after getting a message from one of their clubs and that the Vice President of Club Relations should be CC'd on all club-representative communications possible.
How would you evaluate the current Union budget situation? What do you foresee as future budget concerns?
The current Union budget situation somewhat concerns me, as unforeseen drops in students disrupts the already planned budgets. Declining admissions is one of the main budget concerns that I foresee.
How do you intend to encourage students to fully utilize the resources of the Union?
I intend to work with the Student Government Communications Committee (the SGCC, a joint committee of the Executive Board and Student Senate) to create marketing materials that would be spread with the Student Government Instagram, through emails, and on the Union’s marketing TV’s. Through this I would aim to make sure that all students are aware of the services that are offered to them as members of the Union, allowing them to use them as they see fit.
How do you plan to engage with the president of the Institute and the rest of Institute administration?
I plan on scheduling meetings whenever I see them as necessary and working with whomever I have to in order to solve whatever issues crop up during my tenure. I intend to be cordial, but firm on what needs to happen to get the best outcome for all students.
What qualities should a leader have? How are you a leader?
The main qualities that I believe all leaders need to be effective are effective communication and the ability to organize others to a common goal. I am a leader through my communication and organizational abilities. I take charge if and when needed but know how to allow and trust in others to complete tasks. I encourage those I work with to achieve all that they can and to accomplish our shared goals.