RPI Ambulance awarded EMS Ready Campus

Rensselaer has been officially recognized as an EMS Ready Campus by the National Collegiate Medical Services Foundation. This award recognizes excellence in emergency management among collegiate medical organizations and was awarded for the preparedness of RPI’s student-run EMT service, RPI Ambulance.
“This took tons of additional EMS training along with collaboration with the PubSafe director, associate commandant, [and] emergency manager, as well as Dr. Lawrence,” says Nathan Buckley ’21, president of RPI Ambulance. The training and planning required to earn the award includes preparing a Mass Casualty Incident Plan and administering mandatory courses in incident management for all staff.
RPI Ambulance was founded in 1977 by RPI students and serves calls within the Rensselaer community and surrounding towns. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is one of three universities to earn bronze recognition in 2021 so far, along with Boston College and the University of Florida.