Dance Dance Revolution funding denied

Executive Board members approved an event proposal from the African Students Association and denied a funding request from the Dance Dance Revolution Club on Thursday. The Board then closed their meeting to work on the upcoming budget for the next three hours.
The Dance Dance Revolution Club presented their second program and funding request this year to the Executive Board. The club explained that they wanted to be able to bring more people on trips than the single bus’ worth of students that currently attend their weekly trips to Dave and Busters, which was approved at the end of September. The new program would bring club members monthly to Round 1, an arcade in Middletown, New York. This arcade is preferred by club members because it has four machines, rather than the one at Dave and Busters.
After discussion, the Board came to the conclusion that because the club has already been allotted money for weekly trips, allocating the additional $172.00 requested would be unfair. They expressed that a better use of Union money would be to buy the club new equipment. The motion failed 4‒11‒2.
ASA first came in front of the Board to ask for approval of the “Afrophilia” yard show to be held on Saturday in the Union. A yard show is an event held to showcase artists across cultures of different mediums. Afrophilia featured multiple African dance groups, including groups from the ASA club itself, the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, and University of Albany. The event had already been approved for Alpha Phi Alpha to host, but ASA wanted to make their participation in the event official.
The Board discussed the event, and expressed general approval. Upon recommendation from Business Administrator Martha McElligott of the Union’s Admin Office, ASA’s club representative, Deepika Kothakapa ’22, moved to amend the motion. The amendment added an additional sentence: “The program will receive no additional resource allocation from the Union.” This was an effort to make sure the club would not request the Union Show Tech’s services for the event. Though no Board member objected to the motion to amend during discussion, it was never voted on. The amended version of the motion was then passed unanimously.
The Executive Board holds open meetings in the Shelnutt Gallery every Thursday at 7 pm.