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GM shares excitement for new appointments

By Stef Warner April 25, 2018

Hi, Engineers!  I hope you are all having success in wrapping up any projects or assignments, and that studying isn’t causing you too much stress! With the semester quickly coming to an end, and finals right around the corner, I hope that you are able to take a break from work, and the stress of being an RPI student, and enjoy this well-overdue beautiful weather.

With the recent Judicial Board decision regarding the GM Week 2018 Elections and the Elections Commission releasing a statement regarding general concerns of the recent election, it is uplifting to see that all of the commotion is beginning to settle down. While the elections were deemed valid, by no means did they run smoothly. I believe that it is important to reflect on the recent elections, identify all issues, and create solutions so that the 2022 freshman elections are stress-free, efficient, and secure this Fall semester. With that being said, the Student Senate has been working to assemble an Elections Reform Task Force. This task force is responsible for identifying and addressing the issues that we saw during this past election cycle, while also highlighting aspects that we believe worked well, and could be beneficial in the future. If you have any ideas, questions, or concerns, please reach out to Joseph Lyon ’20, the Elections Reform Task Force lead, at

In addition, last semester, former Vice Grand Marshal Ellie Mees ’18 led the Summer Arch Task Force, which worked to identify and implement adjustments that would be needed to accommodate the new schedule and curriculum. This task force will be reformed, and will be working to continue past efforts, while also expanding scope. If you have any ideas, questions, or concerns, please reach out to Meagan Lettko ’19 at or Advaith Narayan ’21 at

At the last general meeting, on April 18, the 49th Student Senate confirmed the appointments of all committee chairs and officers. I am excited to announce that Meagan Lettko has been confirmed as vice grand marshal, Colleen Corrigan ’21 as parliamentarian, Reed Freeman ’19 as secretary, Christopher Pybus ’18 as treasurer, Mary Clare Crochiere ’19 as Senate-Executive Board liaison and Union Annual Report Committee chair, Anusha Agarwal ’20 as Academic Affairs Committee chair, Nancy Bush ’19 as Facilities and Services Committee chair, Advaith Narayan as Hospitality Services Advisory Committee chair, Zachary Taylor ’21 as Elections Commission chair, Bryan Johns ’19 as Student Life chair, Isabella Arroyo ’20 as Community Relations Committee chair, Mathew Aliotta ’19 as Student Government Communications Committee chair, and Grace Roller ’20 as Web Technologies Committee chair. I am very excited for the year ahead, especially for what we will accomplish for the benefit of the student body.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns or if you want to get involved, feel free to reach out to me at!