With this issue of The Poly, we say goodbye to another academic year at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. We want to take this opportunity to look back on those happenings we found particularly noteworthy over the course of the previous year. Although it may not have been as politically-charged as the year before, many exciting events still happened on campus this year.
The men’s hockey team had a strong finish after a rough start, closing out with a 12-7-3 conference record and an overall 18-14-5 record. After starting off at 7-5-10, Head Coach Seth Appert rallied the team and led them to a 12-4 stretch. They advanced to the ECAC Hockey playoffs, but then lost a best-of-three series to Brown University.
In March, Dean of Students Mark Smith presented changes to the Student Handbook that increased RPI’s potential off-campus jurisdiction. While many students expressed concerns about these changes last year—as did a few senators this year—the Student Senate, as a whole, voted to approve Smith’s proposal. Several former senators felt that this was another sign of the Senate’s power dwindling, a topic which we discussed in our March 20 issue.
The Senate also decided to pass legislation that would set a GPA requirement for the Grand Marshal, the President of the Union, and senators. They decided on a requirement of 2.5, which was slightly below the Institute average, but a level senators felt comfortable with. Within days of this decision, the Institute set its own GPA requirements for the GM and PU at 3.0.
The GM and PU elections this year were quite lackluster in comparison to some of the year’s other events. Both races were completely uncontested; however, there was still the considerable voter turnout, coming in at 48.52 percent. The GM Week Committee also did an excellent job this year, moving the event’s location to a more convenient and heavily trafficked area.
On another note, the Rathskeller removed its daily dollar menu special, to the dismay of the Rensselaer Union’s many food-goers. However, the lack of dollar grilled cheeses and pizza slices was replaced by an all-day breakfast food station. Elsewhere in the Union, the Clubhouse Pub introduced a food menu for those who were over 21 and wanted slightly different fare then the usual offerings downstairs.
Every year brings changes. Some are good, others bad, and the consequences of many are yet unknown. No matter what, the staff at The Polytechnic wish you a safe and happy summer. To those graduating, good luck—and to the rest of you, we can’t wait to see you again next fall!