Volume 127, Number 16 January 17, 2007
Top Story

New faculty definition
During their December 9 meeting, the Board of Trustees considered a proposed amendment to the Faculty Senate constitution. The amendment as proposed by the Faculty Senate would grant voting membership to clinical professors. The Board of Trustees unanimously rejected the proposal, and, in the alternate, unanimously defined the “Faculty of Rensselaer” to include only active tenure and tenure-track faculty.




Academic advising mandated

IP Policy revised


Staff Editorial
Non-smokers hope for more sensible smokers

Editorial Notebook
Airlines cause longer delay

Editorial Notebook
Culture shock elicits amusement

Top Hat
SAC lobbies for larger financial aid funding

Union starts semester off strong


Sheer Idiocy tickles audience with games

Dreamgirls sing with soul

Dave Barry
Low-fat craze hits the U.S.


Women ride five-game winning streak

Engineers sweep league weekend for second time

RPI splits opening week of league play

Men break 5-game losing streak at Union

Rensselaer in Brief
ResLife in new hands
Over the break, Vice President for Student Life Eddie Ade Knowles appointed Lisa Trahan as the Interim Director of Residence Life. She will temporarily fill in the void left by the retirement of longtime Director Pete Snyder last month.

Trahan currently serves as the dean of the Office of the First-Year Experience, a position she will retain while serving in her new capacity within ResLife. While at RPI, she has also served as an assistant dean, the chief judicial administrator, and the senior associate dean in the Dean of Students Office.

Prior to coming to RPI, Trahan spent several years working in residence life. Trahan will hold the position until a search committee chaired by Knowles completes its process and selects a new director for the position.

Video leads to arrest
A YouTube rap video portraying teens brandishing handguns in a Troy neighborhood led to the arrests of four area youth January 10. City police staged a stakeout in the area shown in the video, on Sixth Avenue between Middleburgh and Swift Streets as a result of a tip by City Councilman Mark McGrath passed on by Mayor Harry Tutunjian. At around 6:45 pm, a car circled the block before parking in front of the stationed patrol vehicle. One of the men inside had a .380 caliber semi-automatic handgun with ammunition, and was seen pulling it out of his waistband. The police quickly arrested all four men present.

East Schodack resident William DeGraff, Jr., 17, Nassau resident Rashad Jones, 18, Guilderland resident Javon Jones, 19, and Albany resident Jose George, 16, were arrested at the scene on charges including attempted robbery, criminal possession of a weapon, and attempted conspiracy. None of them were actors depicted in the video. Also resulting from the surveillance was a series of seven other arrests relating to drug activity at the Community Grocery at 3100 Sixth Avenue, one of the locations shown in the YouTube film.

Death blamed on storm
Winter struck in earnest last weekend with sleet and freezing rain welcoming students back to campus. As was to be expected, there were several automotive accidents, but at least one turned deadly early Sunday morning. A pileup on the Patroon Island Bridge resulted in one man falling 90 feet to his death.

At around 2:15 am, freezing rain in the eastbound lanes on the bridge caused a series of crashes. Peter DeAngelis, 22, was involved in one of the first and got out to ensure that nobody was injured. He was standing on the bridge when another vehicle started careening in his direction. He slipped while trying to hoist himself to safety, and landed on the railroad bed below. He was pronounced dead en route to Albany Medical Center.

DeAngelis worked at the Schodack Hannaford and was a resident of East Greenbush.

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