Students who miss two COVID tests will have campus access revoked

In an email to the student body, Assistant Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students Travis Apgar announced a new non-compliant COVID testing measure for students. This measure states that if a student misses two COVID tests they will have to continue the rest of the semester remotely.

Students are required to get tested twice a week on a Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday schedule. This includes all on-campus students as well as off-campus students living within 25 miles of Rensselaer.

When a student misses a single test, their access to “on-campus academic buildings and facilities will be revoked” until they complete their second test. However, this does not prevent students who are living on-campus from accessing any of the dining facilities.

If the student misses another test at any point during the Fall semester, the new measure states that the student will have campus access revoked for the remainder of the semester. If the student is living in on-campus housing, they will be “immediately removed” and sent home with no refund for room and board. Currently, the cost of room and board totals $7,920.