Student Senate

Senate works on temporarily reducing parking ticket costs

In the past few weeks, students have voiced concerns about a significant increase in both prices and quantity of parking tickets given out by Public Safety. Tickets that were formerly around $35 have jumped to $150 and $400 in gated areas. Although the purpose of tickets is to penalize students for unauthorized parking, students have expressed dissatisfaction with the Institute’s drastic changes without any warning. The Senate discussed the motion to urge the administration division to instate a grace period from February 5, 2024, to May 28, 2024, where the parking fines shall be reduced to the rate prior to February 5. During the meeting, the Senate did not reach quorum but subsequently voted virtually, passing the motion 16-0-1.

This Student Senate meeting was held on February 26, 2024. Senate meetings are held weekly on Mondays at 8 pm in the Shelnutt Gallery.