Student Senate

Shuttle tracker tracks shuttles better than ever

Shuttle Tracker 2.0 has been released with a new Apple update and four installations of bluetooth devices on RPI buses. This new version makes locating the shuttles more convenient and more accurate than before. The Android version of the app will still take a bit more time. For more information on Shuttle Tracker, click here.

The Senate spent some time raising concern about schoolstore textbook prices. Edward Piontek ’26 told the Senate that many students purchase textbooks in the school store at a higher price than found online. The Academic Affairs Committee chairperson Vivian Rost-Nasshan ’26 said the committee is working on the issue.

Adrian Alicea-Roman ’23G announced he is reviving the Community Relations Committee, and as the only member, he will become the chairperson.

Timothy Miles ’24 on the Elections Commission mentioned to the Senate that he wants to decrease nomination counts. “For the last three elections, we have had to emergency reduce nomination counts to get anyone on the ballot,” he explained, so he was thinking of preemptively reducing the count. Miles also suggested some changes to attendance forms and expense forms to make them more convenient, specifically, not needing to fill out an expense form if you only spent money on postering.

Two motions were brought before the Senate involving Executive Board appointments. The first was to appoint Nile Kuan ’27 as Class of 2027 Representative. This appointment passed 9‒0‒1. The second was to appoint Nabila Hussain ’25 as Union Annual Report Committee chairperson. This appointment passed 10‒0‒0.

This Senate meeting was held on September 18. Senate meetings are held every Monday at 8 pm in the Shelnutt Gallery.