Current Issue: Volume 130, Number 1 July 14, 2009


Staff Editorial
Poly celebrates 125 years

Posted 10-27-2008 at 10:15PM

This year, The Poly celebrates a rather momentous occasion—we are commemorating our 125th anniversary of publication. We’ve come a long way over the years, from our earliest beginnings as a primarily technical distribution to our current role as the student body’s newspaper. In that time, we’ve seen the rise and fall of the Soviet Union; the invention and proliferation of radio, television, and computers. The Poly has told the stories of Institute presidents and student government leaders, and has reported on the campus springing up around us.

We are proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish over the past century-and-a-quarter. We haven’t always been popular, and there have been times when perhaps we haven’t been the pinnacle of journalistic excellence. On the other hand, we have had our fair share of successes, and our reporting serves as one of the best records of the history of RPI. Our alumni have gone on to be true movers and shakers even beyond the Institute’s campus; we can count amongst our ranks doctors, executives, and even a former editor in chief of PC Magazine.

Truly, we have something to celebrate, and we’d like to invite you to join us in honoring our history and looking toward our future. We have invited Poly alumni from across the ages back to campus this Homecoming Weekend (October 17­–19) to commemorate our history. They will join us for discussions, festivities, and in cheering on their alma mater in Saturday’s football and hockey games. Please welcome them back to our campus for a wonderful weekend.

Thank you for your support these 125 years; we would not still be here without you. We look forward to serving you for another 125 years and beyond.

Hail, dear old Rensselaer, the college of our heart.

For dear old Rensselaer, we all must do our part.

True to old Rensselaer, we’ll always strive to be.

Now, dear old Rensselaer, hail to thee.

Posted 10-27-2008 at 10:15PM
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