Current Issue: Volume 130, Number 1 July 14, 2009


Engineers sweep league weekend for second time

Posted 01-17-2007 at 4:44PM

Lyle Newman
Senior Reporter

Returning from their holiday break, the women’s hockey team is now 7-2-1 in its last 10 games. Catching a big break in the 5-3 victory over nationally-ranked Princeton last Saturday, the Engineers now stand as the first among teams without a ranking receiving votes in the Top 10.

Hosting all except one of their games since the break, RPI also beat Cornell (8-2), Union (twice 7-0, 5-1), and Quinnipiac. The team also lost close games to Colgate (0-1) and Yale (0-2), while it tied Brown (2-2).

In the last two weekends of play, Rensselaer has looked sharp and continues to work on securing a playoff berth in its first year of eligibility as they continue to get points in the league.

“We’ve gotten contributions from a lot of people,” said Coach John Burke of the recent success. “Came back from break with intensity … we’ve found what kind of effort day in and day out it takes.”

Although Yale beat RPI at home, the Engineers remain above Yale in both league play and one national poll, but the league is very tight now and the Engineers still have their work cut out for them in the next 10 league games, despite the two big wins against Princeton and Quinnipiac.

RPI’s good speed and puck control weren’t enough to overcome Bulldog goaltender Shivon Zilis, who had an impressive 23 saves. “I thought Yale was the best game we played in the last four,” said Burke of his team’s performance. In net for the Engineers was sophomore Ashley Mayr, who made 18 saves. The two that got by her were the result of a bounce off a skate and a screen by Bulldog Olympian sophomore Helen Resor.

But the team got over the loss when it upset number 10 Princeton. Freshman Allison Wright led the attack with two goals, and she assisted classmate Whitney Naslund for RPI’s first goal early in the second period to get the game going after a scoreless first period. The game was close; even after RPI scored two goals in the first four minutes of play, it didn’t take long for the Tigers to tie it up. In the final five minutes of play, the Engineers broke away, and with the help of an empty net as the result of a Princeton penalty, put the game away at 5-3.

While the loss was disappointing for Princeton, the win was sweet revenge for RPI after their 2-3 loss last November. The Tigers were playing to secure playoffs at home, while RPI proved they can play with the established teams. However, they still need to stay ahead of Quinnipiac, the current ninth-place team.

Two victories over Union were especially rewarding as the teams are travel partners as well as Route 7 rivals. These ECACHL weekend sweeps are important down the line as the teams fight for the playoff spots.

An integral part of this team’s recent success has been outstanding goaltending by Mayr. The ECAC has already named her to its weekly honor roll twice this season and named her Goaltender of the Week after the wins over Princeton and Quinnipiac. “She’s gotten into her groove making key saves at key times,” said Burke, “and that’s what you need down the stretch—is goaltending, it’s so important.”

The incoming class has several members leading the team, including Naslund, Allysen Weidner, Wright, and Laura Gersten. “They’ve found their niche and what their roles are on the team. No question that all starts with the upperclasses—they make the difference, especially our captain, Sarah Daniel,” said Burke.

Junior Julie Aho’s return has also helped the team, “She hasn’t gotten as many points as she probably wants, but she has embraced her role as a penalty-killer, and blocking shots” Burke said about her defensive efforts. “We’re playing a full 60 minutes, the kids are ready to go at games and a lot of the credit goes to the upperclassmen and our captain,” he finished.

Traveling to Canton and Potsdam, N.Y., for games against number 6 St. Lawrence University and Clarkson respectively, this weekend will again prove that this squad is better than its 10-12-1 record.

Posted 01-17-2007 at 4:44PM
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