Current Issue: Volume 130, Number 1 July 14, 2009


Zox combines reggae, punk, rock

3.5 out of 5

Posted 05-02-2004 at 6:08PM

Tim Johnson
Senior Reviewer

One part reggae, one part punk, two parts rock, and a violin; such is Zox. This quartet from Rhode Island has brought it with their new album Take Me Home. The band seamlessly integrates the usual rock arrangement—lead guitar, bass, drums—with the amazing violin talent of Spencer Swain. This odd mix creates a unique sound that is both energetic and entertaining at all times.

This is the band’s first full album, and at just under an hour long contains 14 tracks. A majority of the songs concentrate on love and loss like many other rock bands; however, these songs are welcome relief from the crowded scene of angst rock. A few other tracks like “Homebody” hint at the home-sickness that the band has had to deal with while touring for the past few years.

Mixed into the disc are a few odd tracks like “Ode to the Mountain Pirates,” “Cinco Ojos,” and “Canon,” which offer a nice break from the often similar-sounding tracks about loving. While the band is very talented and their songs hold their own as singles, you will find yourself wondering if you’re hearing the same song twice when listening to the whole disc.

For the band’s first full-length disc, both their talent and the quality of the recording are very impressive. Zox is currently known as a concert band, and as such is expected to have a better live performance than their studio recordings.

Take Me Home is a good addition to anyone’s music library who enjoys some “feel good music” mixed with a side of style.

Posted 05-02-2004 at 6:08PM
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