Current Issue: Volume 130, Number 1 July 14, 2009


Taubman hypnotizes students in Union show

Posted 05-02-2004 at 5:54PM

Jennifer Scholwin
Staff Reporter

Steven Taubman entertained RPI students with his hypnosis show in the McNeil Room last Friday night, courtesy of UPAC Comedy. Combining a great sense of humor with an amusing show, Taubman was able to obtain a vivacious response from the crowd.

Taubman’s show focused on the many positive aspects of hypnotism. He began by explaining that hypnosis can be used for various things such as curing phobias and helping to relax. Taubman claims that after you come out of a hypnotic state, you feel like you have had the best rest of your life.

Starting out with a large group of volunteers, the group slowly dwindled until only a handful was left. These few people were made to believe they were at the beach, where they experienced an itchy sunburn; the movies, where they watched all genres of film, and to many other states while under hypnosis.

One of the most important things about hypnosis is the ability to remain focused throughout the entire ordeal. When asked how it felt to be hypnotized, UPAC Comedy Co-chair Mitul Kanzaria responded that “it was very weird. You know what you are doing, but you don’t really know why you are doing it.”

One of the most looming questions concerning hypnotism is: does it really work, or is it all just an act? “I was skeptical, but I really do think it works,” Kanzaria confesses. After about halfway through the show, he admits to not being able to focus. As a result, he fell out of his hypnotic state and returned back to normal. “I just sort of lost concentration in the middle, and I think at some point in there, I snapped out of it,” Kanzaria adds.

Taubman is known for his highly entertaining shows. For more information on Taubman and his future shows, you can visit his website at

Posted 05-02-2004 at 5:54PM
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