Current Issue: Volume 130, Number 1 July 14, 2009


Ralph named Poly Person of the Year

Posted 05-02-2004 at 5:50PM

Victor Parkinson
Senior Reporter

The Polytechnic has named Athletics Director Ken Ralph as 2004 Poly Person of the Year. Several factors went into the decision, including the poll on our website,, and The Poly’s own considerations of each nominee’s achievements over the past year. Due to his outstanding efforts with Amendment 65-1, as well as other projects and his general attitude about directing athletics at RPI, Ralph stood out as the clear choice for Poly Person of the Year.

Ralph had only been at RPI for a year when the fate of the men’s hockey program was thrust into his hands. He worked extensively with President Shirley Ann Jackson and the presidents of other schools that were affected by Proposition 65, and was instrumental in saving men’s hockey. Ralph was completely committed to the campaigning efforts despite being so new to the school.

“That was a very intense time ... RPI’s tradition was on the line, and he worked very aggressively, he worked very close with the president, all the different schools, the conferences. There was a lot of hard work in having done that and to get that accomplished and it was a lot of time and energy spent on the unexpected,” said Judy Schweitzer-Bock, the Athletic Department business coordinator.

Schweitzer-Bock, who works with Ralph on a daily basis, had nothing but positive things to say about Ralph. “He’s always very optimistic, very enjoyable to be around, good sense of humor,” said Schweitzer-Bock. “He’s definitely not a micromanager, in terms of working, we’re all trusted with whatever jobs we have ... he definitely puts his faith behind us in doing it,” she continued.

The energy Ralph brings to his job is impressive. “He’s a very dynamic, busy individual,” said Paula Monahan, administrative specialist in the Athletic office. Talking with Ralph, one can almost feel the energy present in his office.

The main focus of Ralph’s job is the students. “I think the students ... feel closer to him than they would have with our old althetic director; I think he’s more forthcoming with the students. I think he has more of an open door policy with the students, and I think the students appreciate that kind of access to an athletic director,” said Schweitzer-Bock.

Ralph himself remained humble about the award. “Coming from the students I think there is no higher honor,” he said.

Posted 05-02-2004 at 5:50PM
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