Current Issue: Volume 130, Number 1 July 14, 2009


Interfraternity Council
Greeks plan evening in downtown Troy

Posted 05-02-2004 at 5:41PM

Donald F. Pendagast III
Interfraternity Council Vice President for Public Relations

This past Saturday was the twelfth annual Awards of Excellence, honoring fraternities and sororities in a range of categories from chapter management to alumni relations, to membership recruitment. Nineteen applications were submitted, and all chapters were applauded for their service to Rensselaer and the community. Most notable were Alpha Gamma Delta, Pi Beta Phi, Lambda Chi Alpha, and Pi Lambda Phi.

Congratulations to Lambda Chi Alpha for receiving the Presidential Award for the second consecutive year, the new Greek Man of the Year, Ryan Wetmore of Pi Lambda Phi, and to all of the chapters who were recognized at the event. The Interfraternity Council also recognized the Rensselaer Society for Engineers for their participation.

There will be a Greek Night on Wednesday, April 28 at the Hudson Duster. Transportation will be provided from the Union horseshoe from 10 pm until 2 am. Greek students wearing letters will have special drink prices. Non-greek students will need to show RPI identification. You must be 21 years of age.

As always, the Interfraternity Council is striving towards excellence. If there are any questions please contact me at I hope everyone has a safe and exciting summer break.

Posted 05-02-2004 at 5:41PM
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