Current Issue: Volume 130, Number 1 July 14, 2009


Top Hat
Senate business finishes for year

Posted 05-02-2004 at 5:41PM

Mike Dillon
Grand Marshal

Hello everyone! As the spring semester comes to a close, we enter the busiest period of the year. With exams, projects, and the stress from moving out, it can be hard to find time to relax. Take a breather from all of your work, and take a walk around the block. Visit the games room. Do something to get your mind off of everything that you need to do. You won’t miss much in the way of work, but you will gain a sense of relief. Don’t let yourself get burnt out, and remember to drink lots of water.

The Senate continues to get student government in order, so that we all can begin business when we return in the fall. Last week, the final round of Senate appointments were completed, and this week we moved on to the Executive Board. The Senate held a marathon meeting this week to get the E-Board into a position where it can begin businesses in the fall, and I want to extend my sincere thanks to those senators who were able to stay as long as they did.

The Senate is a funny beast. We are laden with responsibilities, but first we are students. We all have classes and responsibilities that transcend our Senate duties and it’s important for people on the Senate to learn where their priorities lie. I am always grateful to see Senators putting in the extra effort to get the job done, or rearranging their life or study schedule to help accommodate our meetings. Senators take on responsibility when they get elected, but everyone needs to remember why we are here: We are here to be students, and we are here to get an education. To all of the hard work I have seen, I want to thank the Senate, and to wish you all a good summer. You deserve it.

Now that I have wished the Senate a good summer, I should probably do the same for the rest of campus. Well, have a good summer everyone! I’ve seen so many of my friends and acquaintances pulling their hair out over the work they have, you deserve the time off.

Even though it’s summer, I don’t stop working. I won’t be here in Troy, but I will be paying attention to my e-mail, and expect to be in communication with the world. You can reach me by e-mail at or by snail mail through the Union Administration office. Just make sure you give me a way to get back in touch with you.

I can’t wait for the semester to be over, and I am looking forward to next year. Now go outside and enjoy yourself.

Posted 05-02-2004 at 5:41PM
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